New Hope Baptist Church 50 Anniversary Website

New Hope Baptist Church celebrates 50 years of providing spiritual guidance to citizens of Ann Arbor and surrounding communities. We would like to thank you for your past support and hope that you support our efforts this year.

Our church is leading the way in the community by providing a safe place for spiritual growth, health and comfort to citizens. From our joint venture with the University of Michigan Health Systems, the Albert J. Lightfoot Adult Day Care Center provides free health care to seniors to our various ministries providing food, clothing, and educational assistance; New Hope continues to lead the way by providing services to citizens of our local communities..

Our 50th anniversary is dedicated to our youth-our future leaders. Our scholarship program helps each senior in high school prepare for their financial obligations while fulfilling their educational goals and launching careers. Please join us in our effort to support our high school seniors by purchasing an ad in our Souvenir Booklet and/or making a donation as a patron. Your contributions are tax deductible and we thank you in advance for supporting our youth.

We are looking forward to your support as we celebrate 50 years in the community.